A Beginner’s Guide to Buying a Commercial Freezer

Unlock the secrets to finding the perfect commercial freezer for your business! Discover the diverse options, features, and expert tips in our comprehensive beginner’s guide. Read on now to explore more!

Commercial freezers with glass doors
Commercial Freezers with Frozen Food in a Supermarket

First, find out the type of freezer you need.

Commercial freezers can be the perfect solution for any food-related business, from a small retail operation to an industrial bakery. This in-depth buyer’s guide will help you understand the various types of commercial freezers available, allowing you to make an informed decision customized to your company’s unique needs. Let’s dive into the list of five common commercial freezer categories: Glass Door Freezers, Solid Door Freezers, Blast Freezers, Counter Prep Freezers, and Chest Freezers.

Distinguishing Between Commercial Fridges and Commercial Freezers: Key Differences and Uses

Commercial fridges and commercial freezers serve distinctive purposes in preserving and storing food items for businesses. While both units are designed for commercial use, the key difference lies in their temperature ranges and functionalities.

A commercial fridge typically maintains a temperature between 0.5°C and 4.4°C (33°F and 40°F), making it suitable for storing perishable items like meats, dairy products, fruits, vegetables, and beverages for short-term use in restaurants, cafes, and retail stores.

On the other hand, a commercial freezer operates at temperatures below 0°C (32°F), often between -23°C and -18°C (-10°F and 0°F), and is designed to freeze food items quickly to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria, thereby extending their shelf life.

This makes commercial freezers ideal for long-term storage and preservation of frozen goods like ice cream, frozen foods, and large batches of meats or vegetables in various settings such as food processing facilities, warehouses, and grocery stores. Each type of unit comes in several configurations and sizes to cater to businesses’ specific needs, with commercial freezers also offering more specialized options like blast freezers for rapid freezing.

1. Glass Door Freezers


Glass Door Freezers are a versatile and stylish option for displaying frozen goods. Prominently popular in supermarkets, convenience stores, and specialty food shops, they allow customers to quickly locate and view merchandise without opening the freezer door–reducing energy consumption.


  • Transparency facilitates merchandise visibility
  • Easy product access for customers
  • Creates an attractive product display
  • Reduces energy consumption with reduced door opening frequency


  • Less durable compared to solid door freezers
  • Vulnerable to scratches and minor wear and tear
  • Requires regular cleaning to maintain visual appeal

2. Solid Door Freezers


Solid Door Freezers come with an opaque door, providing superior insulation and durability. Ideal for commercial kitchens, restaurants, and other food service industries, these freezers prioritize performance and heavy usage requirements.


  • Superior insulation and energy efficiency
  • Durable for heavy use and high-volume storage
  • Designed for easy cleaning and maintenance
  • Better protection against UV light


  • No product visibility
  • Users must open the door to locate items, resulting in temperature fluctuations

3. Blast Freezers


Blast Freezers, commonly seen in food processing facilities, are designed to rapidly reduce food temperatures. They minimize the risk of bacterial growth and maintain the ultra-low temperatures necessary to preserve the quality and freshness of perishable items for longer periods.


  • Quickly lowers food temperatures
  • Reduces bacterial growth risk
  • Optimizes food storage life
  • Excellent when handling large food quantities


  • Industrial design makes them unsuitable for customer-facing settings
  • Generally takes up significant space
  • Most likely the highest initial and operational cost

4. Counter Prep Freezers


Counter Prep Freezers are designed for commercial kitchens with minimal space and need to prepare cold food products. Combining food preparation and storage, they serve as both countertops and freezers, saving space and streamlining kitchen operations.


  • Space-efficient with multipurpose functionality
  • Easily accessible during food preparation
  • Ideal for sandwich and salad bars
  • Available in a variety of configurations and sizes


  • Limited storage capacity
  • Not suitable for display purposes

5. Chest Freezers


Chest Freezers are top-opening freezers that provide storage space and energy efficiency. Ideal for bulk storage, they can be utilized in a variety of industries, including restaurants, ice cream shops, and catering establishments.


  • Efficient storage for large quantities
  • Energy-efficient due to top-opening design
  • Keeps cold air in even when opened
  • Suitable for storing bulky items


  • Can be difficult to organize and locate items
  • Takes up considerable floor space
  • Not designed for visual merchandising

Energy Usage of Commercial Freezers in the European Union

n the European Union (EU), commercial freezers are subject to rigorous energy efficiency regulations to promote sustainability and reduce carbon emissions. EU Directives such as the Ecodesign Directive and Energy Labelling Directive set forth the standards for energy performance. Freezers that meet these standards bear the familiar EU energy label to help consumers make informed choices.

This efficiency label rates appliances on a scale from A+++ (highest efficiency) to D (lowest efficiency). In addition, under the EU Energy Efficiency Directive, businesses are encouraged to undergo regular audits and adopt measures to improve energy usage, which includes the minimization of energy waste from commercial freezers. Just like elsewhere, the energy consumption of freezers in the EU can be optimized by proper maintenance, optimal temperature settings, frequent cleaning and defrosting, and ensuring intact door seals.

Maintenance Tips and Advice for Commercial Freezers

Proper maintenance of commercial freezers not only ensures their optimal operation, but also extends their lifespan and helps maintain energy efficiency. Here are a few important tips and advice for maintaining your commercial freezers:

  1. Regular cleaning: It is recommended to clean the freezer, both inside and out, at least once a week to prevent grime build-up that can affect performance. The use of safe, manufacturer-approved cleaning solutions is important to prevent damages.
  2. Defrosting: Manual defrost freezers require regular defrosting to prevent ice build-up, which can lead to increased energy usage and reduced cooling capability. Automatic defrost freezers also need occasional manual defrosting.
  3. Check door seals: Ensure the door seals are clean and intact to prevent cool air from escaping and hindering efficient cooling.
  4. Regular professional check-ups: Having periodic professional inspections and maintenance checks can help diagnose any potential issues early and ensure all components are functioning efficiently.
  5. Proper loading: Avoid overloading your freezer which can restrict air circulation, forcing the unit to work harder to maintain the desired temperature.

By following these maintenance tips, you’re likely to keep your freezer running efficiently, saving on potential repair costs and also minimizing energy usage.

Wrapping up

In conclusion, each type of commercial freezer has its unique advantages and disadvantages that cater to specific industries and purposes. Careful consideration of factors such as space, budget, merchandise visibility, and energy efficiency is essential when selecting the ideal commercial freezer for your business. This comprehensive buyer’s guide will undoubtedly help you navigate the world of commercial freezers and make the best choice customized to your company’s requirements.